Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Reasons

Well, just to get you all in a good mood, here is some pretty knitting.

Meet Sprout - Growing Roots. She's made of the Gedifra merino/cotton I bought in the big WEBS sale way back at $2USD a ball. and took 2 weeks and 9 balls. She is currently blocking and just needs buttons added.

In other news, it's not all sunshine and roses. The Accountant has been diagnosed with cancer and will be starting radiation therapy in 2 weeks, He will have to travel 100km each way each weekday for 6 weeks - he will however get Christmas day off. All this has been a huge shock to us, but we feel very lucky that he was diagnosed early, the lump in his neck was removed, and as yet (fingers crossed, toes crossed, Om Mani Padme - positive thoughts) there don't seem to be any other lumps or bumps.
He has to have an MRI and PET scan (in Melbourne) and will be tired, sore, knackered and grumpy - but hopefully well and with us for a long time to come after the treatment.
The cancer is aggressive and he is very young for this type, but we are being very optimistic. Prayers, positive thoughts, good vibrations and all other good things gratefully accepted.
So life will be very topsy turvy for some time. We have cancelled the Christmas holiday, but are hoping for a family trip later in January.
Usually I don't discuss personal stuff in the blog, but I figure lots of positive thoughts can do no harm - and I will take all the help I can get at this point!
Take care - and look after the ones you love.


Catherine said...

Keeping you all in my thoughts from this side of the world. Stay strong!

frog ponds rock... said...

(((hugs))) and lots of positive energy, prayers and love to you and your family Tink..


DrK said...

oh my. this would be the life-turning-upside-down thing. i am so sorry to hear it, to know how distressed and anxious you must all be...i will keep you in my thoughts. lots of positivity, hugs and love. xxx

m1k1 said...

very sad news.
but there will be positive energies and hugs coming your way from all over.

Amy Lane said...

Crossed fingers, good thoughts, prayers and good wishes! (And, of course, good knitting:-)

Kate (Kiss My Frog) said...

Hugs, honey, and mucho grande positive vibes. :)

Michelle said...

Oh no! And I was hoping and hoping so hard it wouldn't be that! I'll continue hoping and praying for you all. And you are always in my thoughts.

Leonie said...

Wishing you all good luck and good results and not too much tiredness in the times to come. Will be thinking of you all and sending healing thoughts.

Caffeine Faerie said...

The Magpie and I are sending you and ours all the good karma and vibes we can conjure up.

hugs from us.

Alwen said...

Sending all the good vibes I can muster!

Bells said...

Hang in there, Ceri. One day at a time. Thinking of you. xo

Rose Red said...

Oh Ceri lovey, so sorry it wasn't better news but am glad it has been diagnosed early. Sending you, the Accountant and the kids lots of hugs and positive thoughts and if you need a "virtual" shoulder to cry on or vent to, please consider mine available!

Jan said...

Hugs and prayers for each of you for now and the next few months especially.

Lynne said...

So sorry to hear the news.

Prayers for a speedy and full recovery are yours.

MadMad said...

Oh, Tink! I'm so sorry about this news, and all that your are going through. What a terrible stressor. I cannot imagine how hard it must be. I will definitely keep you in my thoughts and send positive vibes your way. Keep us posted!

amanda j said...

I do really good cancer killing vibes.

Sending them north west now! BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Take care.

Anonymous said...

HUGE possitive thoughts are being sent your way Tink.

stay strong.

Bron said...

Thinking of you! xo

blackie said...

Thinking of you Ceri. Strength. Courage. Energy. Love. Flow. Hope.

Denise said...

Oh crap - thinking of you at this challenging time ((((hugs)))

amy said...

Not a regular reader, although I see your comments on others' blogs. I was just sent over by knightly knitter, and I'm so, so sorry to hear this. My heart goes out to you and your husband and your kids. I hope positive thoughts from a new reader work just as well.

Donna Lee said...

You can have all the positive thoughts and energy you need. Know that we are thinking of you and the Accountant with positivity and prayers for good health.

Nora said...

Oh Ceri, how did I miss this? Please know that I'm thinking of you. x


JustJess said...

So sorry to hear that news - love and positive energy headed your way ((hugs))