I turned a heel the other day. This is something I have done around 50 times now (yes - about 25 pairs of socks) and every single time I am overcome by my own cleverness. This is not an arrogant thing. It’s not hubris. It’s wonder and amazement. I stare at the heel I’ve turned and I am captivated by how lovely it is. I am entranced that I have actually knitted into the third dimension! I can hardly believe that I have done something as wonderful as this.
I can’t imagine this feeling wearing off. I can’t imagine one day going ‘Oh yeah, another heel. Big deal.’ I can’t imagine one day being so blasé about this amazing trick that I won’t care anymore.
Thank you for all your nice comments on the last post. I know that there are lots of us Knitters out there. I know I am not Robinson Crusoe on this one. But it is nice to be reminded that there’s a crowd of us, excited about knitting and crocheting (yes, I am talking about you QuiltingMick – I don’t want to be on the CLF’s hitlist!)
Here are some pretty photos for you.
The Tahoe in all her glory. I adored knitting this, loved the pattern, loved the Zara – and the bands are from the Patomonster from Wang. I have the horrid feeling I need to move one button though. Damn!
I can’t imagine this feeling wearing off. I can’t imagine one day going ‘Oh yeah, another heel. Big deal.’ I can’t imagine one day being so blasé about this amazing trick that I won’t care anymore.
Thank you for all your nice comments on the last post. I know that there are lots of us Knitters out there. I know I am not Robinson Crusoe on this one. But it is nice to be reminded that there’s a crowd of us, excited about knitting and crocheting (yes, I am talking about you QuiltingMick – I don’t want to be on the CLF’s hitlist!)
Here are some pretty photos for you.
The Tahoe in all her glory. I adored knitting this, loved the pattern, loved the Zara – and the bands are from the Patomonster from Wang. I have the horrid feeling I need to move one button though. Damn!

And here is a stash addition. Somehow, these cones of golden cashmere silk (70/30) fell into a bag addressed to me – how could that have happened? Now I need to find the perfect pattern for such gorgeousness.

And just because all you Canberrans got to have a serious fibre orgy, I gave in and made a little order from the Loopy Ewe. I’ll show you pictures later. After I’ve finished fondling. At least long enough to take a photo.
And my weekend holds two social events. A Tupperware party on Friday night. And a Stitch and Bitch at the Anvers Chocolate Factory on Sunday. By the fire. Because down here in Tasmania it was really cold today.
I still do that with sock heels, too. I never tire of it. I think what happens is remember back to when it was just a mountain I couldn't get climb and then the day I did it, I felt so wonderful to have finally done it.
I'll never forget that.
Tahoe looks fab. Love the zara! Can you do a more up close shot of the detail on the band?
scrap that. I just looked on Rav and got a good look. Lovely!
I'll call the CLF dogs off right now.
Bless you. And yes, I totally agree with you on the last post. Although sometimes I think it's an addiction, an illness. I dunno.
Anvers chocolate!! Yummmmmmy. What a great place to be able to knit and be social in.
An S&B at a chocolate factory? (swoon) Plus toasty radiant-heat goodness, ah, bliss!
Oh, I have a great pattern for that cashmere! I have to remember what it's called, though... one more second.... Nope... one more.... Darn, I'm old. But it'll come. And as soon as it does, I'll send it!
oh lovely tahoe. im with you on the heel thing as well. i always show it to people, like 'look like what i just did' but they just stare at me like im mental. which im not. none of us are.
Yep, I still get a buzz when I turn the heel (short row heels just aren't quite as good - although still, I think, quite clever in their own right!).
I hope you'll flash pictures of your tupperware too...
I'm with you--I just want to jump up and down and say 'lookie lookie lookie'!!!! I just learned the short-row heel, and I still want to do that--'lookie lookie lookie, now I can do it two different ways!!!'
love zara. think i am using the same shade for a scarf at the moment. and the anvers outing sounds very inviting! unfortunatley I don't think visiting cadburys in hobart would quite match up
I'm curious.....what do you consider cold???
I'm with Alwen...and S&B at a chocolate factory. Could life get any better???
As I suspected: a photo of Tahoe and she looks magnificent!!! I just cut off my GiTNEB's button bands and redid them- it's totally worth it. I am so happy now!!
I am always amazed by the whole hgeel turn thing too. Fancy making something with dimensions??? Truly amazing.
Love the whole D'Avers experience and I can't even eat chocolate really!!!
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