Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Two Sleeps To Go!

It's Wednesday. It's winter. We had floods at the weekend. This meant I was the meanest mother on record, because I had promised to take my children to a lantern festival and fireworks disply.

The past weekend was our town's annual Chocolate Winterfest. We have a Belgian chocolate maker and his factory and restaurant nearby, and their chocolate festival merged to become our Chocolate Winterfest. One of the highlights is a lantern walk and fireworks display. But it rained, and rained, and rained.

And the river rose and rose.

The river burst its banks on Saturday afternoon and kept rising. This is a fairly regular event; local paddocks flood, creeks run through every slight gully and everything gets a tiny bit worse when there's a high tide (we live near an estuary).

The fireworks were postponed till Sunday night, but by then, the entire park and surrounding area where all this was going to happen was under about a metre of water. Fireworks and associated fun stuff all cancelled.

Luckily, I had left myself a caveat. "We can go to the lanterns and fireworks if it's not raining," I had said. Smart mother. Didn't stop the kids saying I was mean.

It's only 2 sleeps until I fly over to the Bendigo Wool and Sheep show, sans husband and children. This will be the first night I have ever spent apart from both my children - and I am really excited. I am even more excited to be meeting up with some internet friends, blog buddies and fellow Ravellers! It will be the first time I've met most of them in real life.

Next time I blog I will be tired, broke and home again.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone. I am certainly going to!


frog ponds rock... said...

I hope you have a lovely, lovely time.

2paw said...

Well, it rained here enough for me to think about building an ark!! You are so mean, those poor children!! Have a wonderful time on your expedition!! It is always exciting to buy wool and meet imaginary friends!!

Michelle said...

Wait, wait ... you have a Belgian chocolate maker in your town? Where exactly do you live again, and when will my room be ready?!?

Sorry to hear about the floods - what a drama. But I hope Bendigo more than makes up for it!

MadMad said...

You know? I'm with them. You are so mean! I wanted to hear all about that Chocolate Fest thing. Darn. Ya meanie! Oh well. I guess I'll just have to content myself with hearing all about the wool festival instead. Can't wait! Have a wonderful time! (And take good notes and pics!)

Rose Red said...

Guess you could have dressed them in their swimmers and taken them along to see the non-fireworks and the non-lanterns...then you really would be a mean mommy!!

See you Friday! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Alwen said...

We have had a very rainy year so far. The mosquitoes are out in clouds. I am very grateful to live on the top of a hill!

Donna Lee said...

I'm with you, the "if it's not raining" saved my butt numerous times.

I'm feeling excited for you at the prospect of your upcoming trip. Enjoy your time alone (I know how seldom that happens!)

knightlyknitter.wordpress.com said...

packing my bag this afternoon, trawling Rav making my shopping list, popping Sudafed to make sinuses dry up enough to make flight bearable - SQUEEE!

Amy Lane said...

Oh, I know that feeling. I've been the MEANEST mother ever... but congrats on getting to be free as a bird... I'm totally jealous! (we flood fairly regularly here, too!)

Amy Lane said...

Oh, I know that feeling. I've been the MEANEST mother ever... but congrats on getting to be free as a bird... I'm totally jealous! (we flood fairly regularly here, too!)

Denise said...

Fantastic, so glad you got to go!!! Solo holidays are wonderful :D