Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Life goes on....and on....and on

It’s been an odd week. The first week of spring is always like this. The four seasons in one day weather (if you don’t like the weather now, come back in 15 minutes). The struck down by sickness feeling which regularly affects people – including me. I’ve been deep in a lurgy, which combines all the drama of coughing like an asthmatic seal with synchronised nose-blowing and general grottiness.

I’m still loving the new job and have been let loose on the unsuspecting general public to interview them and then write stories.

I’ve just received the e-manuscript of Amy Lane’s new book, Bitter Moon II and am dying to get stuck into editing it (and finding out what happens to everyone from BMI).

School holidays are looming and I will be lucky to see the Princess. She apparently wants to attend most days of the vacation care program, and the days she is not doing that she wants to visit friends and play.

Destructoboy has the same lurgy as I do and is much happier. As long as there is something to dismantle or a mess to be made, he’s a happy boy.

I have been knitting. I am so enjoying Flair, and knitting with sunshine yellow Malabrigo is guaranteed to lift the heart, even when the weather outside is cold, windy and wet.

I have managed extra knitting time due to the fact that the Princess has been having rehearsals for the major show for the Circus school. I get to sit in cold halls and theatres and knit while I wait for the three minutes my daughter is on stage along with 10 other 5-7 year olds, none of whom are entirely sure what they should be doing. Doesn’t matter, they all still look cute, charming and funny. This will not be the case when they are 10.

I received some not-stash this week from Wollmeise and from BMFA courtesy of the wonderful Rosered. I have not taken photos. Forgive me.

That’s it really. In between required duties, I have let the house run to wrack and ruin and the dishes pile up. I’ll do it when I feel better – or over the weekend. Whichever comes first.


Rose Red said...

You are so right about kid's concerts - cute when they are 5, not so much when they are 10. And especially not when it involves playing the most annoying "musical" instrument of all time (aka the recorder)

Amy Lane said...

I don't know--I still went nuts when they were 10:-)

Wow--I sent you the manuscript and I got mentioned on the blog--that was major cool--and now I'm major nervous. Don't mind the neurotic writer, sweating in the corner.

Bells said...

You know, I am so glad I put you onto Amy. That was obviously a really good move! Look at what it's turned into!

Can we start calling you Lois now, you reporter you.... :-)

I keep looking at Flair. I want it. I really do.

2paw said...

Oh you are such a YARN star!!! How exciting for you!! Glad you love your job, hope the lurginess goes away. I am a seasoned concerty person, from childhood participation to teacherly involvement. And I agree with RoseRed about the plastic recorders!!

Michelle said...

You sound so busy! Make sure there's still plenty of time for knittin' though!

Alwen said...

Our son hid his plastic recorder.

MadMad said...

Sounds busy, but fun! Hope you're feeling better soon!

amanda j said...

Ah, kid concerts. I am with 2Paw, I have seen many and lived to tell the tale! I also remember being up there WITH MY LOVELY RECORDER!!

I am in love with Flair and really want one too. I might just have to make one!

Donna Lee said...

You could always tell when the schools started the 3rd graders on their recorders (or flutophones). I'd hear them walking down the street on the way home, tooting all the way! I do not miss band concerts at all. "Sheep may safely graze" by 1st year violinists was almost more than I could bear.

kgirlknits said...

ah, sunshine yellow in the form of Malabrigo - does it get any better?!

and I empathise re: Princess and school hols - I only get one week with my gal (separated parents, whatya do?!), and when she's with me, all she wants to do is "go visiting"!

still, she throws me a bone every now and then and lets me watch a movie with her, bless.

good luck with the concert season - thank goodness for knitting, eh?!

Lynne said...

I'm sorry I'm so late - hope you're feeling much better. Can't wait for the holidays myself; am feeling pretty run down.