Saturday, December 13, 2008

To whom it may concern....

Dear Knitters,

I am currently in receipt of one (1) large knitted hug. It is my understanding that this article of sneakiness was actually coordinated by my friend, the Knightly Knitter. I would like to say, here and now, that I am completely blown away by your remarkable gift!

Not only am I just amazed at its beauty and the wonderful thoughts and cards I received - which I am going to actually be up front about, and admit that I had a jolly good cry (and a good thing we had new tissues - because we ran out 2 days ago and I only bought some more today).

But I am also just totally amazed at the sneakiness of Kate and at the remarkable kindness of a whole passel of knitters (or should that be a stitch of knitters, or a row of knitters, or a rib of knitters?)

Thank you all - thank you thank you. I will post pictures tomorrow when I have light to show the wonderfulness of this gift), and will thank all of you by email, but in the meantime thank you a thousand times

Thank you all for my hug!


Bells said...

Oh it's done. Hooray! YOu know, Amy Lane wrote to me about 30 mins ago asking where it was all up to. I had no idea it was done!

Kate is a freaking marvel and you are a deserving friend.

frog ponds rock... said...

I like a "purl of knitters" because it sounds like you have some friends who are pearls... xxx Kim

Michelle said...

Whoo hoo!

Amy Lane said...

*squee* So glad it all made it--and now I'm gonna kick back and marvel at how the worldwide web really does bring us all together:-) (And send some more mental hugs your way:-)

Unknown said...

Our next goal is world domination!!!!

So glad it arrived safely. Kate is a brilliant organiser ;)

Alwen said...

eeek, I hope those tardy squares of mine made it in time (winces the procrastinating knitter).

Hugs whether they did or not!

MadMad said...

I can't wait to see it!

Donna Lee said...

We've been waiting to hear that you got it! I'm so glad it made you happy. A lot of love and good thoughts are there for you and your family. Wrap yourselves up and enjoy.