Monday, December 29, 2008

So, this is Christmas!

Look at us - running down the slippery end of the year and into a new year in 2 days time.

All that anticipation and excitement for Christmas over and done with, and the strange, disconnected week between the big day and the year's end almost over. We had a very busy Christmas. We cleaned all Christmas eve, because of the gathering on Christmas day, including doing some preparation for Christmas dinner, were woken at 5.50am by a very excited Princess, who had found the stocking Santa left her (Santa does the stockings and mum and dad do the big presents under the tree in our house. Everyone who stays under our roof on Christmas eve gets a Santa stocking. They follow the rule of 'something to eat, something to read and something to play with' as an absolute minimum.)

Then it was stuff the turkey and get it roasting, get the pudding organised, open presents, get back to the kitchen, wash up, tidy, move furniture, get organised. I think, apart from wolfing lunch, I didn't sit down until after 4pm. Rosered - I was also wearing gold espadrilles with 4 inch wedge heels and ankle straps - and I admit I was glad to take them off when everyone finally left.

It was busy and fun and we had batteries and the Princess adored Dougal and he is her new favourite toy. She didn't even seem to notice that she hadn't received the Baby Born which was on the top of her Christmas list.

Santa managed to find the blue necklace and golf bat requested by Destructoboy (whew!) and he adored a remote controlled robot chosen by his sister (and paid for by his parents). All good.

It's been pleasant having everyone home and not really having anywhere we have to be (apart from the Accountant's radiation appointments). We have finally finished the last of the leftover turkey (in fritters last night) and now have to get to work on the ham (pasta and peas and ham tonight I think). We had cherries (lucky I ordered early, because they sold out - and I gave half my order up to a distressed lady who had promised some to her daughter). I had champagne and the Accountant and I both enjoy the Mighty Boosh DVDs - we've been laughing ourselves sick!

Christmas is over for another year. I am more thankful than I can say for all my blog and knitting friends. 2009 is on the horizon, and I'm back to work on Monday. Sigh.

I've managed a sewing day - project bags and skirts for the Princess and me; finished 2 pairs of socks from the WIP pile, done 6 repeats on the shetland triangle and had a play in the stash.

New Years Resolutions? Knit more. Learn to spin. Spend more time doing fun stuff with my family. Knit more. Buy less. Have fun. Knit more. Eat less, exercise more. More of the same, really. What about you?

Happy New Year, everyone!


amy said...

Wishing you a happy, healthy New Year! I resolve to be me, but better. That's pretty much what my resolutions always come down to. ;)

Cat said...

We even have the same resolutions, just on the other side of the world!! LOL

TiNKerBelle -

2paw said...

So glad you had a wonderful Christmas!!! Everyone seems to have received wonderful gifts!! I don't make NY's Resolutions!!! Good luck with yours though!!!

Donna Lee said...

All that in heels? I had on sweat pants and slippers! Like Amy, my resolutions tend to be "be kinder, be more patient, be a better Me". It's not specific enough to beat myself up over and yet it helps me to be a better person.

Happy, Healthy New Year to all of you.

Amy Lane said...

Oh wow-- sounds like a lovely day, and contented Princess and Destructoboy all around... Eat less, exercise more, knit more, write more, computer-surf less...

I think that covers it--like you said, same ol'...

I really want to see that Dougal... all that hard work--he should be seen!

Alwen said...

I was behind all around in Christmas preparations, and somehow didn't fill a stocking for my husband.

Later on he commented on not getting a stocking. I guess I better fill him one next year!

gemma said...

Dear Tink,
Happy New year. Hope you have a year of better health for the accountant, and peace for the rest of you.

Happy thoughts always, gemma

Lynne said...

What goes around comes around: thanks from that lady [whoever she is] for the cherries - it was so kind of you. You gave her daughter an edible hug! :-)

Best wishes to you and yours for 2009.

Rose Red said...

Happy new year lovey!! Good to hear about your Christmas shoes, what about new year's eve??!! Hope you were spoilt by Santa as well, you deserve it!

MadMad said...

Sounds like a great Christmas! May your coming year bring you only wonderful things!

Denise said...

Wishing you all a wonderful 2009 - with plenty of good news, health, and fun. We're big Mighty Boosh fans here too, they are MAD aren't they?!

I don't make new year's resolutions - just keep working on the usual things I work on all the time, trying to be healthier, and less stressed kind of things :)

Nora said...

Wishing you and your lovely family a wonderful 2009.


Five Ferns Fibreholic said...

Now that we've said goodbye to Santa as a family, I can feel free to self Santa to my heart's content. It's where I buy the things that I'm sure Santa would bring me if he exsisted. Because Santa knows how much yarn makes me happy.