Sunday, July 19, 2009


It followed me home, Mum. Can I keep it?


amy said...

Holy cow! That's a lot of goodies!!

frog ponds rock... said...

Is that a drop spindle I spy in there amongst all that treasure?

m1k1 said...

What a stunning collection. I bet you all had a wonderful time, mutually enabling. Tell me. Was that suitcase empty when you arrived, or did you just abandon all your belongings in favour of The Fibre?

2paw said...

They are poor little lams who have lost their way. Baaa, baaa, baaa. Of course you must look after them!!! Hooley dooely that's a lot of stuff!!

Leonie said...

Holy crap I knew you had bought some "stuff" but I didn't see just how much! Of course you must keep it, hide it away in the kids towel cupboard, I hear it has a little space left, LOL!!!

Janet McKinney said...

Yes dear you may keep him - but remember you are respoonsible to feed them every day, and make them up into fluffy goodness during the year

Bells said...

Well that was predictable!

DrK said...

oh. my. god.

Kate (Kiss My Frog) said...

Duuuuuuuuuuuude! I didn't realise you had all THAT! I look like an absolute model of restraint.

Just a minute while I show Himself how much you bought...

MadMad said...

Oh, my word, woman! Incroyable! What's that huge yellow tape yarn at the bottom, and what will you be doing with it?

Alwen said...

I need to be able to whistle the "Wow!" whistle in the comments.

You can keep it as long as you feed it and take care of it. said...

ZOMG!!! I feel so much better now!! I did not beat you, and that is a good thing :)
(And it's all beautiful, and you are going to have so much fun, and will there be a rule that you have to use it all up before the next trip to Bendi???)
(heh heh heh)

jp said...


Like m1k1 i am wondering if you left all your clothes behind to bring the fibre home?

Amy Lane said...

WOOOOWWWWW! That's some serious stash enhancement. But they're so cute when they're in that 'yet to be knit' stage... you really can't resist!

Donna Lee said...

Of course you can keep them. If you can find space.....

Looks like you had a good (read profitable) time!

Tanya said...

My goodness! Did you need to buy another suitcase as well? Beautiful!

MadMad said...

If I can stop giggling long enough about the big buttered balls, I could come up with a better comment... as it is, though, hope the little ones are all better soon!

Elizabeth McClung said...

Wow, I love the cobolt blue and the two long skiens in the top right of the suitcase. What do you have planned to do with such delish yarn?