Friday, May 1, 2009

Vale, Hobson.

This is just a very short post.

For the first time in more years than I care to remember, I have no animals.

Last night, my cat, Hobson, didn't come home. As the weather cools down, Hobson is always keen to be inside.

I acquired Hobson as a semi-feral teenage cat from our local RSPCA. Our cat, George, had been hit by a car, and our other cat and dog missed him. Hobson came into our lives. He loved the other cat, adored the elderly Labrador and loved me.

For many years, he'd have nothing to do with the Accountant, and generally gave the kids a wide berth. One of my friends, when seeing Hobson streak past her said, ``That's not a cat. It's a wabbit!''

Hobson seemed to be scared of most people, but was a mighty hunter of rabbits, rats and mice - and I'm ashamed to say, occasionally, birds.

He kept his white bits very white, and I loved him and he was hit by a car last night. I found him when I returned from the gym this morning out the front of our house.

We have buried him, and in keeping with our traditions, will plant a fruit tree over his grave (actually 2 - because I think he will look after the kiwi fruit vines for us, and you need a male and a female).

Goodbye Hobson. You have been my cat for over nine years. You were always as light as a feather. We joked that you had bird bones. But this morning you felt very very heavy.



Bells said...

Oh I'm sorry. Hobson sounds like he was a great cat, a great friend and a real character. Hugs.

Crafty Things said...

Sorry to read the sad news. Your description of Hobson paints a very real picture of a loved pet.

Michelle said...

I'm so sorry. Your photos reveal Hobson to have been a magnificent cat/wabbit type. Handsome to boot.


Rose Red said...

So sorry lovey, I've just shed a little tear for lovely Hobson.

Kelly said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Hobson. He sounds like he was a great cat. *hugs*

Donyale said...

Oh Ceri - how awful - I understand your pain - I have 'lost' many fur friends over the years.....sounds like he had a lovely life with you.

m1k1 said...

I am saddened by your news.

Leonie said...

Such sad news, so nice that you have interesting habits to remember him by. He sounds like he was a real character such a shame for you to have lost him.

Lynne said...

Oh Tink, I'm so sorry. Your story made me cry.

Thinking of you. *hugs*

2paw said...

What a loyal companion Hobson was. Our cats and dogs are only on loan and we can but marvel at their ability to love us. So sad to hear of Hobson's death and The Labradors and I send our love.

Jill said...

So sorry to hear about Hobson. I know he'll be greatly missed.

Julie said...

Awwww. I'm sorry. He looks like a sweetie and I'm sure he'll be missed. :(


amy said...

I'm sorry. I know how awful I'll feel when our first "baby," the cat we got a few months before we got married, moves on. They're part of the family.

MadMad said...

Oh, I'm so sorry, Tink! What a horrible thing to come home to! What a handsome kitty - he reminds me of my old cat. You must have given him 9 great years - he seems well-loved!

Donna Lee said...

It's so hard to lose a pet who's become a friend and part of the family. Hobson sounds like he was a good friend.

Melinda said...

I'm so sorry about Hobson.

Amy Lane said...

*sniff* Bye, Kitty. It always hurts. Cat or Wabbit, you loved him.

Nora said...

Oh, I'm so sorry Ceri. Please know that I'm thinking of you and Hobson. x


amanda j said...

Thinking of you.

Taphophile said...

Condolences on the loss of Hobson. said...

I'm so sorry for you Tink. So lonely to have no furry friend at home. Hugs.

catsmum said...

Hobson looked very like my Sophie - a very handsome boy indeed and I know how you are missing him at the moment.
... but just think the alternative to that pain would be to never let these animals into our hearts and how much poorer would we be then ??

PenCraft said...

I am so sorry.

Anonymous said...

Tink, it would feel that a part of you is missing. Sorry for you news, so sad.

Cyber Hugs.

Alwen said...

Aw. I'm very sorry to hear that. It's a very difficult way to lose a furry friend.

frog ponds rock... said...

Oh Ceri, I am so very very sorry. The spouse had to euthanise our boy 'Smooch' twelve months ago and I still miss him. We plant fruit trees on our pets graves as well. love xox

Denise said...

Oh I'm so deeply sorry. I know how much it hurts to lose a beloved pet. (((hugs)))