Saturday, March 14, 2009

My Brilliant Career Goes Bung

First, pictures.

Here are the gorgeous, very like 1930s/40s black and white shoes.

See the heel? It's octagonal.

The beige and tan ones are by the same people. I adore thirties type shoes and these are utterly beautiful. Both pairs have the same heels and both make me think of Kate Hepburn in `Woman of the Year' and other pictures with Spencer Tracey when she played a feisty journalist.


I bought these as my cub-reporter shoes.

Last Thursday, I was made redundant. Just over 7 months ago I was handed this job on a plate. I was very excited and because it was a dream job, even though I really didn't want to go back to work quite then, I took the job. Being a journalist, 3 days a week was wonderful.

But then came the GFC. Community newspapers which don't make money are not the most loved things by media companies. The fact that the Editor and I had made it into a good paper, which people enjoyed reading doesn't really count for much in these times. When she was promoted, but there was no sign of a replacement we began to smell a rat.

Unfortunately, there was no position for me. The only available job was doing shifts, full time, 5o kms away. Not really an option when you have a 4 year old and a 6 year old. Doing 3 days was enough of a stretch (and I'm not even going to get into the amazing women who hold down fulltimes jobs with young kids.)

So there it is. Maybe in the future more opportunities will come up, but at present, come April 23, I am unemployed.

However, this will give me the chance to learn to spin, and maybe to do some dying. I will have time to knit and cook more and to collect kids from school and play with them and do stuff. It's not all bad.

In the meantime, there is a fun little meme doing the rounds (I've seen it on Kuka and Penny's blogs). You google 'Unfortunately, (insert your name here)' and see what you get.

Here are mine:

Unfortunately, Ceri's new start seemed to involve disrupting lives, within days she's reunited a happily uncoupled couple....

Unfortunately, Ceri, the vast majority of the British public own mortgages and have to work (yes, even on weekends sometimes)

Unfortunately, Ceri passed away on January 14, however she wanted her message heard so others will learn and lives will be saved (urk!)

Unfortunately, Ceri Davis as Laurie was not strong enough to match Dominic's performance in any area, which was disappointing

Unfortunately, Ceridwen's hopes of getting Paul Simon's song 'Graceland' out of her head upon arrival in Memphis were dashed today

On an entirely different note, I was surprised how many of you are magpies too - look - sparkly stuff - and thought we could all get together someday in either a big department store or at Salamanca market and watch what happens. It would be sidesplitting! Lots of shiny and sparkles and distractions!

What fun!

Off to bottle the zucchini and corn relish!


m1k1 said...

bad luck about the redundancy.
still, more playing and knitting time!
i would love to be there in salamanca place should it come to pass, but how would we keep track of a whole bunch of magpies with their "ooh look shiny" dartings here and there all at once?
what is needed is a designated watering hole. the call of eats and drinks would get everyone together. lucky there are plenty of those to choose from.

m1k1 said...

... oh ... and LOVE the shoes.

Lynne said...

I don't know whether to congratulate or commiserate! Please accept whichever is appropriate at any given moment!

Rose Red said...

Love the lovely shoes - very cub reporter. Oh well, they are also very lady about town, don't you think!

I look forward to magpie-ing with you in Tassie soon (albeit on a budget!!).

Sorry about the job - but there's a silver lining isn't there.

Michelle said...

The "right job" has come around once before, and you know it will again. In the meantime, you have my complete sympathy. I think you should go for high tea somewhere to celebrate your "freedom" with those pretty beige shoes!

Alwen said...

I'll bet Sacharissa Cripslock would love those shoes.

Sorry about the job. I'm living in a state (Michigan) with the highest unemployment in the country right now. Even my dad was laid off for the last couple of months.

Kate (Kiss My Frog) said...

Oooooh! Shoes pretty! Need shoes now! Where I can get pretty shoes? Do they do boots?

I'll happily magpie with you in Bendy, chickie. Only a titch over four months from now! Yay!

Jill said...

Sorry to hear the brilliant career has gone bung. I can only assume that the universe has something else in store for which all those stunningly gorgeous shoes are even better suited.

In the meantime, I look forward to more opportunities to catch up to knit, drink coffee, chat and get distracted by shiny things.


PenCraft said...

The shoes are fantastic. The redundancy -- well -- maybe better things await you!

Taphophile said...

Oh that is a bugger - bloody sorry to hear it. Ah well, experience and fab shoes is not a bad thing to take away.

DrK said...

that sucks on the job front, considering it was so perfect. but yes silver linings are important. we may be a one income house here soon and its a bit scary but i know we will be ok because we always are. and i do think one needs old doors to close before new ones open. just a shame that that particular door was so great for you. i hope you get plenty of opportunity to wear those amazing shoes and show off some of your stash busting! xx

Donna Lee said...

Sounds like you're already accepting the separation. I work in a mental health center and there are rumors of people being asked to "work less hours". It would seem to me that a mental health center is even more necessary in these stressful times.

MadMad said...

Oh, gosh! Do you know I kept coming back here and NOT READING because I thought it was the same post because of the shoe pictures?! This is why people (me) need to actually use their Google Reader instead of just clicking on people every day in case they've posted. I am such a loser. So anyway, that's my apology for being late to the comments! I am, however, also very sorry about the redundancy - you really did seem to love the job! I just heard today of a major newspaper just up and closing - completely - today after more than 200 years. It's such a tough industry. But just think of the "experience" you had - and how great that will look later, when you're ready to try again at something else!

amanda j said...

Oh dear, that is bad news. Perhaps you should consider submitting to more magazines and the like.

I have serious shoe envy. Are they as comfortable as the others?

Five Ferns Fibreholic said...

I know that this won't make you feel better but at least now you have an official portfolio. So when something else comes your way you'll have up to date examples of your work.

In the meantime, enjoy all the newly aquired playtime.


frog ponds rock... said...

bugger about the job.. But extra time at home is always good.. I love those black and white shoes mmmm *drool* let me know when you are going to Salamanca and I will be there with bells on...

ps."Unfortunately, Kim is a talented person but sleeping around in this industry is only going to defame her reputation." [ . . . true dat]