Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Life......Interrupted.

Sorry about that.

I have just had my witty and incisive post wiped by Blooer so I am cross. We'll try again.

I have been enjoying work and as a community paper journalist I get to talk to people about the things they love, and about gardens and food and prizes. This si great because it means I can come home at the end of the day and tell the kids about gardens and food and books, not car accidents, blood and crime.

I ahve been letting the washing up pile up for the last couple of days and seves it right. SWick of it. People are fed but the stuff which won't fit into the dishwasher is still stacked beside the sink.

I have been enjoying the few days of spring we have had. The trees are in blossom and the tulips are flowering, happily naturalised in the middle of what is now lawn and used to be a flower bed. The apple, pear and quince trees have been wrapped in vaseline smeared greasefproof paper in order to ERADICATE THE SCOURGE OF CODLING MOTH FROM THE UNIVERSE FOREVER!!! EXTERMINATE EXTERMINATE!!


Sorry about that.

Kids are going spring crazy - and I have dug over what will be the tomato bed, so maybe I am a little crazy too.

I am still trying to catch up on all your blog posts - because you are all doing exciting fun stuff - and then you are writing about it! You are likely to only get a comment every few posts. Sorry, but otherwise everything else just falls apart!

I have done a big order to take advantage of a discount from a certain US enabler - I did this when the Aussie dollar had slipped, but before it tanked completely. Given the parlous state of world currency, it may be the last non-Aussie order for a while. However, Bendi is having a sale. So maybe it's not so bad.

As you may be aware, I do have a few skeins of sock and sweater yarn, so that should see me through until the economic situation improves. And the credit card is paid off.

Off to pick up the Princess and sweep her and Destructoboy off to circus school.

If my life were any more exciting, I'd burst!


Bells said...

I am sure that spring in your part of the world is just divine.

And yeah, you're probably right for yarn for the next little while, right?

Alwen said...

I understand perfectly about the codling moth! I feel the same way about cutworms. To see my healthy little transplant laying there, gnawed off at the soil like - EXTERMINATE!

Taphophile said...

International economic disaster? Phooey - I have a stash the size of a suburb so I'm fine!

Donna Lee said...

You probably have enough yarn to keep you busy for a while.....

I love the first few days of spring, so hopeful and tender.

We are just getting ready to hunker down for the cold weather and I am loving it.

Amy Lane said...

Oh, I'm enchanted by your spring as I am not by our own autumn--and I'm thrilled to see you're back! I was missing you!