Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Unclean! Unclean!

Well, it’s a return to plague house conditions here, that’s for sure. I referred to the condition of Destructoboy and myself as Mucusfest – and really, that’s very apt.

We are not nice to be around at present, what with the coughing and the trails of tissues and the assorted leaks and swearing (from me) and complaints (from Destructoboy). I have the attractive pink-eyed and -nosed look of a rabbit with myxomatosis and the IQ to match. I can’t get through a whole senten…. Sorry? What were we saying? Oh, that’s right, how I can’t get through a whole sentence without being…something. Or other. Sorry, my train of thought just de-railed. Again.

So we’re a plague house and not taking it very well either. Princess swanned off to a Party Day at Vacation care in the Accountant’s car while those of us left behind snuffled and coughed. I really think she’s getting the best of it. Being sick tends to make me cranky. And grumpy. And more untidy than usual.

Luckily, I had a visit last night to cheer me up. The lovely, but blogless, Jill dropped in and we discussed nice adult things like knitting, and patterns and the Divine Norah (Gaughan). She was also there when my Rowan 44 finally appeared, nearly a month after everyone else’s. I am not sure whether it is the original or the replacement sent by Rowan – but it is certainly lovely.

Apart from a small amount of yarn acquired from a fellow Raveller’s de-stash, I haven’t bought any yarn for a whole 2 weeks. I think this may be some kind of record. Or it may be prompted by the dire state of my yarn budget. Or the fact that I’m saving up to do a big order in a few weeks. After all, I’m hardly deprived. I have the odd skein to keep me busy.

In knitting news, the end of Flair is in sight, and I have decided to frog Wicked. I adore the green Malabrigo, but the shape is unflattering for me. So it will become something else – hurrah for seamless top-down construction, which should make it easy to unravel.

Work is going well and I am thoroughly enjoying it (especially seeing my first proper story in print). There’s another week of school holidays to go. My survival is possible – though not assured!


Michelle said...

Oh you poor things! I wish I could send you some chicken broth and a hot cup of tea!

Caffeine Faerie said...

Feel better soon! Rest up, fondle some yarn, and ignore the mess until you can take it.

2paw said...

It's going round and staying for weeks, this virus. I hope you feel better soon. You are definitely unwell if there's been no yarn buying!!!

Kate (Kiss My Frog) said...

Erk! I have two snot-monsters here at present, too. Plus Tech Support coughing up a lung or two at frequent intervals. What joy to be a stay-at-home mother. I have somehow managed to avoid the worst of it thus far (knock wood, light a candle, spin office chair three times widdershins). Hope you're feeling better soon.
P.S. The reason you can't reach me is my stupid email server has crapped itself. I hope to be back up in a day or so.

Rose Red said...

erk. Hope you and d.b. are better soon. Pet the nice soothing yarn. I expect you'll manage to find some lurking in your house somewhere!!

MadMad said...

Oh, feel better! And congrats on your um... pause, in your stash accrual! ;)

Donna Lee said...

I would love to see the first story in print. That would be very exciting. We are having some lovely fall allergies here. The ragweed is especially exquisite this year! Sorry to hear you are ill and mucus filled. Do you all have access to a drug called Mucinex? It is the best thing ever when you are all congested. Tastes and smells nasty but boy it works.

Alwen said...

Oh, dear, and I have a kid just coming down with the first installment from Cold-of-the-Month-Club, a.k.a. "school".

Last year I read some research that says theobromine in cocoa works better than codeine to suppress a cough. The research was done on guinea pigs, but our son and I drank our cocoa anyway. "It's medicinal!" Sluuuuuurp.

Five Ferns Fibreholic said...

I hope that you feel better soon. It's no fun to be sick especially when the tap turns on and you feel as if you're slowly being dehydrated from the amount of mucus exiting your body.

Don't worry, your survival is possible.